Sunday, June 22, 2008

Hey...I got a blog!

This seemed to be the best way to communicate to those who are interested in my quest to complete a marathon (am I insane or what!!!).

Yesterday we finished a 6 mile run. Ok, with the heat and humidity, it was more of a walk for me, but I did finish. Can you say sweat? Oh yea, I had plenty of that.

Of course not running for a week because of vacation (4 days in the car and 2 days visiting family) or the stomach bug I had all last week didn't help. But, I'm on track now. I've got some issues with my knee that I will be getting checked out...can't let that stop me. And, I'm starting a more rounded exercise program and diet to help get these pounds off (and help my knees in the long run.) I'll keep you guys updated on how it goes for me.

I continue to get notes and support from friends that I've sent letters to. Thank you guys SO MUCH!!! I had no idea that so many people have been affected by the blood cancers. The list of names to put on my running shirt for the marathon is growing. I was told by Steve, our TNT mentor, that the night before the marathon there is a shirt decorating party just for that purpose. I've got some time to figure out the right way to creatively honor all of these people, and the many friends of mine who have died, are fighting, or are survivors from various types of cancer. I know I can't help all these cancer organizations, so I've picked one that has an impact on many lives, particularly for two friends who are fighting blood cancer as I write.

That's all for now. Gotta go scrub the house since we found out one of the new puppies has contagious mange. Ah, typical day in the life at Hodge Acres.

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